Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ignition Problems

A motorist may not necessarily enjoy driving but the enjoy the convenience of getting from point A to B. Despite the convenience of being able to drive to wherever you need to go, driving still has its fair share of issues from time-to-time. If you are not having maintenance performed on your vehicle then you are prone to experience problems every now and then. This is the same as if you don’t receive checkups from the doctor. You may experience health issues that you may not even be aware of until it is too late. Despite the possibility of the problem getting worse, many people still avoid having maintenance performed on their vehicles. This is often why they experience ignition issues.

When you have a problem turning your key in the ignition or if you are not able to turn the key in the ignition, then this is a problem that you should allow a locksmith, such as Complete Lock and Key in Downers Grove, IL, handle. The first thing that they will likely do is discourage you from snatching the key out of the ignition. This is something that will only make the problem worse. We encourage you to remain calm. It is proven that when people remain calm, they are able to think more clearly. We want you to be able to avoid any further problems that c can be costly.

There is no sense in blaming yourself for the problem because to you the key might look perfectly fine when in reality it was slightly damaged. This is something that you can’t always see for yourself but when the key gets stuck in the ignition, this is often the case.  

Here are some of our suggestions for helping you get through this problem.

What to do if the car is turned ON

Check the dashboard to make sure that it is in the right position. It should be in the park position not the drive or neutral position. If it is any other position other than park then the key will not be released. 

Check to make sure that the gear is in the parked position. Sometimes it will show that it is in the parked position on the dash but it isn’t completely in the park position. Therefore, make sure that it is clearly in the right position. 

Attempt to loosen the key while it is in park. All that you should do is slightly wiggle the key back and forth but not with too much force.

What to do if the car is turned OFF

The first thing we will do upon arriving to help you with your ignition issue is check to see if the battery is dead. If it is then we’ll need to replace it with a new battery or jump the existing battery. This is something that you can do yourself too. However, if you don’t know how then we’re happy to do this for you. 

Loosen the key by gently wiggling it back and forth. If the key doesn’t come out then don’t force it. This will only make the matter worse. 

Evaluate the position of the key because sometimes, especially if it is an older cylinder, the key could enter the ignition incorrectly. 

If you try any of the above suggestions and they do not work then it may be necessary to contact our locksmiths. If they work then this is great! There are some people who are afraid to even attempt to resolve the problem for fear of making the problem worse. If this sounds like you then it’s best to just give us a call. 

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