Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Broken Transponder Key Problems and Solutions

Transponder keys have changed the way vehicle security is maintained. Since the mid-1990s, transponder keys have been a requirement for all vehicle makers to outfit on their vehicle. Most vehicles you will see on the road today use transponder keys and for many good reasons. Transponder keys help eliminate vehicle thefts and guarantees that the rightful owner of a given vehicle is the only one who is able to operate it.

How a Transponder Key Works 

Transponder keys operate through the use of two different signals. One signal sits inside of your car key, while the other is tucked inside your vehicle. These two signals match up to one another through radio waves. They are paired to recognize each other once the key is within a certain distance of the signal within the car. In order for one’s vehicle to start, this transponder signal must be free of interference and pair up perfectly. Without a perfect pairing, one’s vehicle will not start. 

Each vehicle that has a transponder key system is outfitted with a signal that is completely unique to that car. It is impossible for one’s transponder key to operate another vehicle, even if it is of the same make and model type. In fact, this is the very problem that transponder keys helped to eliminate. Prior to their invention, some vehicle keys could be used to unlock and drive other vehicles of the same kind. This error resulted in accidental thefts by innocent drivers that were somehow able to open and operate someone else’s vehicle, but also intention thefts and car-jackings. With a transponder key system in place in one’s vehicle, this makes it impossible to hotwire and steal. Unless one has the right key and the right transponder signal in place, the vehicle will not start under any circumstances.

Broken Key

The first possible problem that can happen with your transponder key, is that the chip inside of the key itself is broken or out of place. When this happens, you may be unable to start your vehicle, even though it may not appear on the outside as though anything is physically wrong with your key. If for some reason the chip inside the key is not able to transmit the transponder signal to the matching component in your vehicle, then you will not be able to start or drive your car.

Broken Vehicle Signal

It is also possible that the transponder signal inside your vehicle is broken. Even if there is nothing wrong with the transponder key itself, there may be an issue inside of the vehicle that has caused the vehicle component to be knocked out of place or damaged in some way. It is not advised that you try and reach the transponder chip inside of your car, as it is meant to be tucked away and difficult to reach. If you suspect that the transponder signal inside of your car may be to blame, you will need to contact an expert to help you repair it.

Lost Transponder Key

If you happen to lose your transponder key altogether, you will need to get it replaced immediately. Any sort of spare key you may have for your vehicle that is not outfitted with a transponder key will be of no use to you. Sometimes, vehicles will come with an extra car key that can be used to unlock the glovebox and the trunk of the vehicle, but is actually useless when it comes to turning on and operating the car. Without an extra transponder key to match your vehicle, you will be out of luck. A certified locksmith, however, can help you repair or replace your transponder key easily if you need to have a new one made fast.

Getting a New Transponder Key

It may be difficult to know for sure what the problem is with your transponder key. In fact, it may be impossible to tell if the source of the problem is coming from the key or from the vehicle’s transponder signal. No matter what you think the root of the problem may be, it is important to get help from an expert that has experiencing replacing transponder keys. 

Read more at: Broken Transponder Key Problems and Solutions

Thursday, October 3, 2019

When to Replace Locks

If there has been a break-in, this would be a good time to replace your locks. Even if you have not personally experienced a break-in, but you know of others in your neighborhood who have, this is still a good time to consider having old and worn locks replaced by our locksmiths at Complete Lock and Key in Downers Grove, IL. Can you remember the last time you replaced your locks? If you can’t then now be a good time to have a security audit performed to determine if your locks could hold up against an intrusion. 

Here are some other reasons why you might need to have your locks replaced  
  • Break-ins – Again, if you have ever received a break-in, it goes without saying that you should have the locks changed. If you think that your home is safe just because someone has already done so, think again. They might just figure that your home is an easy target and return for more. Instead of taking unnecessary chances with your home security, have the locks changed right away.  
  • Stolen Keys – If your house keys have been stolen or you have lost them, you could be putting yourself and your loved ones in harm’s way. This is because someone could use your keys to gain access into your home when you least expect it. It’s rather easy to lose your keys but finding them is not as easy. Don’t drive yourself crazy looking for your keys. Instead, why not just call a locksmith to have your locks replaced. This is sure to give you peace-of-mind and enable you to sleep soundly at night.  
  • Broken/Worn Out Locks – When you move into a home that has its original locks, it might be necessary to replace the locks. There may even be some locks that are not working that you are not even familiar with. If you have old, rusty locks, they will not work as effectively as newer locks. Why not rely on a locksmith to have a security audit performed. This will reveal whether or not you have locks that need to be replaced. When you have trouble opening your doors or if you see visible signs of wear and tear, have your locks changed immediately.  
  • Move In/Move Out – If you are the owner of a rental property then you know better than anyone just how important it is to replace locks every now and then. When you have an old tenant moving out and a new one moving in, this is a good time to replace the lock. This is practical if you are not using a lockbox. It not only protects you against liability if someone breaks in and steals something or harms the tenant but it protects the tenant. If this is important to you then you are likely already replacing the locks whenever a new tenant is about to move in.  
  • Move Outs – If you have recently gone through a divorce or you have a roommate that has moved out, this would also be a good time to have the locks replaced. Regardless of whether your trust the person or not, you can’t trust everyone that they come in contact with. Perhaps the roommate innocently gave a key to someone else to pick up something they left behind. What if the person has sticky fingers and they begin taking things that do not belong to you or them? Avoid this possibility by simply having the locks replaced. If you are going through a divorce then it is also in your best interest to change the locks. Emotions can eventually get in the way and this could lead to actions being taken that you would never expect. Protect yourself by having the locks of your home replaced whenever anyone moves out.  

Avoid Break-ins

While you may not be able to prevent a break-in, you can certainly try. One way that many in Downers Grove try to avoid a break-in is by having a keyless lock installed. A keypad is installed and then a code is keyed into the keypad to unlock the lock. A thief is hard pressed to try to compromise this type of lock. In most case, they won’t even attempt to do so.  

A keyless lock is also a good idea because the code can be changed very quickly and easily. If you have contractors working in your home and their services are no longer needed, you can easily change the code so that they no longer have access inside. You can program your keypad to accept a specific code for a limited time. This means that you are able to create temporary codes that can be changed at any time. A keyless lock is a practical and affordable way to protect yourself. The code should only be given out to those who you want to have it, those whom you trust. The last thing you would want is for a lot of different people to have the code. 

When you have several family members in your household then you can even provide a different code for each person. However, if you only have one code then make sure any time you change it that you notify everyone in the household of the change. Therefore, if you have decided to replace any exterior locks, we suggest that you replace them with keyless locks. 

There are certain precautions that should be taken to protect your home. If you have never experienced a break-in before, count yourself fortunate. However, don’t assume that this is something that could never happen to you just because it hasn’t happened. We want you to remain safe and that is why we are offering such valuable information. While we would love to have your business, we would prefer to keep you safe. Therefore, if this means losing your business, it is well worth it to us. It is up to every individual to take the necessary safety precautions by replacing locks when needed. 

Article Source: When to Replace Locks